ARO Palampur Army Rally 2022 Open Bharti from 12th to 22nd November

ARO Palampur Army Rally 2022 – Chamba Kangra Open Rally Seedhi Bharti Recruitment Rally

ARO Palampur Army Bharti 2022 at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University Palampur from 12th to  Check Notification on our Army Job Portal

ARO Palampur Army Rally Bharti 2022 – Soldier Clerk Tradesman Category for Chamba and Kangra Districts

Indian Army has invited application form the eligible candidates who belonging to Chamba and Kangra Districts of Himachal Pradesh for Soldier GD, Clerk and Tradesman Posts

Eligible candidates may apply online from . All Other details like posts, education qualification, age, pay, how to apply regarding this ARO Palampur Army Recruitment Rally are given below for informational purpose only in interest of fresh job seekers, have a look..

ARO Palampur Army Bharti 2022 Short Summary:

Army Event Open Rally Bharti
Organised By Join Indian Army
Army Official Website
Army Recruiting Office
ARO Palampur
Rally Venue
CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur
Apply Mode


#ARO Palampur Army Bharti 2022 Posts Details:

Soldier General Duty Class 10th Pass with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. For Boards following Grading System minimum of D Grade (33-40) in Individual subjects or Grade which contains 33% and overall aggregate of C2 Grade.
Soldier Clerk/ SKT 10+2/Intermediate Exam pass in any stream (Arts, Commerce & Science) with 60% marks in aggregate and minimum 50% in each subject. Securing 50% in English and Maths/ Account/ Book Keeping in Class 12th is mandatory
Soldier Tradesman (10th Pass) Class 10th simple pass
Soldier Tradesman (8th Pass) Class 8th simple pass (For Syce, House Keeper & Mess Keeper)

#Age Limit:

Applicant’s age should be between 17 ½-21. (1st-October-1998 to 1st-April-2002) for Soldier GD Post, 17 ½-23 years  (01-October-1996 to 01-April-2002) for all remaining posts.

# Selection Process in ARO Palampur Army Recruitment Rally:

Physical Fitness Test (At Rally Site)
1. 1.6 Km Run
2. Beam (Pull Ups)
3. 9 Feet Ditch
4. Zig-Zag Balance

#Physical Measurement (At Rally Site) Medical Test

Written Test through Common Entrance Examination (CEE):
(a) Will be conducted for medically fit candidates at nominated venue. Location, Date and Time of written test will be intimated at rally site and through Admit Cards.
(b) Admit card for the CEE for the Rally Fit candidates will be issued at Rally Site itself.
(c) Admit card for the CEE for the Review Fit cases will be issued after being declared medically fit by concerned specialist / specialists at MH / CH / BH.

# How to Apply:

For ARO Palampur Army Recruitment Rally may apply online through on or before . and attend army recruitment rally at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University Palampur from . Candidates should reach the venue on given date and time as mentioned in the Admit Card. For more details and admit card, exam syllabus, etc. candidates must visit official notification or website of Indian Army

# Important Date & Link

Last date for apply online application coming soon
Date of Recruitment Rally coming soon
Detailed PDF Advt Click here
Bharti Venue CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural
University Palampur

How to Submit Application form to Apply for Job Openings in ARO Palampur Army Rally Recruitment 2022

If you are willing to apply for latest recruitment in ARO Palampur Army Rally then you should read the notification details carefully and submit all the required and necessary documents offline or online as needed.

Go through the below given steps to fulfill job application form successfully:

The first and foremost step is that you download the ARO Palampur Army Rally employment notification as attached here in PDF file.

Now, go through each and every details mentioned in the ARO Palampur Army Rally Recruitment Notification.

Note down what documents you need to submit. Collect and get ready the documents to be submitted.

Fill out the ARO Palampur Army Rally job application form attached in the employment notification.

If the application has to filled online then follow the steps mentioned in the online application. If ARO Palampur Army Rally recruitment has to be filled offline then send the filled up form along with copies of all required documents to the address as mention here.

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